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Gibraltar Humanists

Who are the SHSG & what do we stand for?






The SHSG was formed in Gibraltar in 2011, with a membership that draws on all sectors of our close-knit community this diverse cross-section of individuals ensure we have a balanced and intelligent foundation on which to provide support to those who feel that they wish to explore the scientific world around them free from religious dogma and the stigma that can often be felt when one shows the courage to break free from outdated religious 'teachings' and think independently from any oppressive organised religious straightjacket.

Next Meeting 
17.00h September 18th 2019
1st floor, Time Out Cafe, Europort, Gibraltar

Gib Chronicle Article - Monday 14th Jan 2019

'Philosophy, Religion and Free Thiniking'

Includes topical section on current abortion laws!



Press Release on Abortion
4th March 2020
Arif Chronicle Article.PNG

Does GoG Fund Religious Groups?              Same-Sex Marriage TV Debate

The Secular Humanist Society of Gibraltar (SHSG) has sent an open letter to the Chief Minister, Fabian Picardo, asking questions as to whether Gibraltar religions receive tax payers’ money.


‘This is a question we are asked frequently. We have found it practically impossible to get any clear answer from anybody and are asking for clarity from Government in order for the community to be better informed.


For example, recently some extensive construction works have been going on at St Paul’s Church in Varyl-Begg Estate, and questions have been asked regarding who is paying for them. We do not know. It’s in everyone’s interest, we believe, to clarify this matter and others like it by asking straightforward questions. 

July 2015 SHSG Chairman supports freedom of choice

for same-sex couples who wish to have the right to marry


Darren Olivero was invited to represent the SHSG as a panellist on GBC's weekly current-affairs program Viewpoint. Along with Eddie J Wood he faced opposition from local priest father Bear and also local divorce lawyer Mr Eric Ellul, both of whom seek to block the right of locals to marry same-sex partners.


The debate was lively and controversial, with the views and opinions of both sides clearly defined in opposition. The SHSG would like to thank GBC for their invitiation to the Society and also for allowing us to embed this video into our site.


The Secular Humanist Society Gibraltar

© 2015 David Gibbins.

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